Sarah Piel (she/her)
Early Childhood Development Specialist & Educator
I am a passionate advocate for young children and their families. I have a special affinity for children who are 0 to 5 years old. In fact, a toddler tantrum is one of my favorite things in the world! The years when babies become toddlers and toddlers become young children are so important because they lay the foundations for everything that comes later. How adults help young children navigate these years has a huge impact on their lives.
My work focuses on the early development of social, emotional, and cognitive skills in young children and on the pivotal role of their primary caregivers in that process.
I am acutely aware of the vulnerability that comes with caring for and working with very young children. My style is warm and collaborative, and I have found that building trusting relationships allows for the best outcomes.
Nurturing young children isn’t always intuitive — understanding development and accessing support and community can be extraordinarily beneficial.
My work is inspired by the collective wisdom of generations of innovative teachers and developmental specialists — many of whom found a home at Bank Street College of Education. All my services are based on four principles:
1️⃣ Start young
The earlier we begin building young people's skills and finding ways for them to navigate their own developmental paths — the higher likelihood we have to positively impact the trajectory of their lives
2️⃣ Get messy
Experiential learning that is guided and highly personalized is valuable for most children
3️⃣ Build relationships
Young people learn best from within trusting nurturing relationships. They develop within a community of family, caregivers, and peers — and their development is strengthened by this community working in harmony
4️⃣ Learn from everyone
Diversity of learning style and developmental ability — as well as identity and background — benefits everyone participating
Sarah has been working in the early childhood field for over 15 years. She dedicates much of her time to designing and leading programs for children from birth to age five, their parents and other caregivers.
For many years, she has led social developmental playgroups through Bank Street College, including for families and children with special needs, medical fragility, and rare syndromes. She also privately facilitates virtual parenting groups and offers one-to-one support for both children and adults.
She presents on early childhood development, parent support, and special needs education. She conducts workshops for parents and teachers. She has guest lectured at both the Bank Street College of Education and at the Columbia School of Social Work and presented at the NAEYC Annual Conference.
Sarah is an Early Childhood Development Specialist for Lovevery, Inc., a company that designs play materials that support children and families at each stage of their development.
Sarah has extensive experience as a Special Educator Itinerant Teacher (SEIT), both privately and through the Committee for Preschool Education (CPSE) and as a Special Instructor (SI) both privately and through Early Intervention (EI).
She has led a 2s class at a private preschool, assisted with preschool admissions, and has interned at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, working with mother/toddler dyad therapy groups.
Sarah has been a member of the Family Advisory Council at the Mt. Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital since 2011. She is a founder of New York Early Childhood Professionals, an online network for early childhood and pediatric professionals to share resources, questions, insights, clinical reviews, and research across disciplinary lines. She served on the Interim Board of Directors for The Riverside Church Weekday School and was Advisor to Head of School.
Before dedicating her life to early childhood, Sarah worked in book publishing as a literary agent and development editor.
Sarah earned her BA from Hamilton College and her MS.Ed from Bank Street College of Education. She earned a dual certification in Infant and Family Development and Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special and General Education and is licensed in Early Childhood Special and General Education, Birth - Grade 2.
She and her husband live in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan and in Hartland, Vermont. They share two former toddlers 😀, three cats, and a large golden retriever.
I work with…
Babies, toddlers, and young children — one-to-one and in playgroups
Parents and caregivers — one-to-one, in parenting groups, and with their child in playgroups
Schools and organizations — consulting, evaluating, and leading workshops
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